as needed.

A little bit before Christmas I had a mother reach out to me asking how she goes about requesting a care package. I have never done an “as needed” type of care pack but you better believe my heart was all kinds of happy to make this sweet lady one. She had lost her baby girl to SIDS at 4 months in July.

I’ve been putting it together slowly because I had to order certain things I didn’t have a surplus of after my donation. Also, I changed it up a little because my normal donations are geared toward parents fresh off a loss in the hospital; tissues, books to read to baby etc…but, I think I did well with it. The final piece came in today so I will be sending it tomorrow hopefully! I hope this sweet woman finds comfort in this care package. It was made with love, that’s for dang sure.

Which leads me to wonder if this is something I should try to do…should I try to offer them on an as needed basis IN ADDITION to my yearly donations on her birthday? It would require a gofundme open all year round probably, and also would be a lot of work (potentially). I know I would enjoy it very very much. I love giving back, and helping others.

I feel like if I could just get a stock of like 10 of each thing to keep here at all times I would be doing well to start. I don’t know. Just things I’m thinking about.

I also think I’m going to write up a post some day in the future about accepting donations for hand made items- blankets, hats, small preemie wraps etc all year round. I would love to only have hand made items donated next year (I think it feels more personal, just me?).

Apparently I need a bigger house with a room all to myself in order to carry out these lofty goals.

Anyone have any opinions? I’d love to hear them! What do you think?

7 thoughts on “as needed.

    • Oh my gosh I didn’t know that was you! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» I would be honored to have you knit some hats! I’ll shoot you an email here in a second πŸ™‚


  1. I think that is an incredible project to take on! it does sound daunting, but. if you pulled together FORTY in a few months, you can do this! I would be more than happy to help out with anything you may need!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve been following your story and keeping you and Kenley in my thoughts since we were on the Jan 16 BMB together. I would be interested in donating knitted baby blankets. I have a few stored up, but we’re starting to get out of the phase where friends have babies, so I would love to make them for what you’re planning. I think you can see my email without me writing it here, right? If not, let me know.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thank you Kelly! I remember you very well πŸ™‚ I think about J16 a lot! I can’t see your email, but if you wanna shoot me one off the contact page here it will be in my inbox and I can write back! πŸ™‚


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